Friday 18 March 2016

Hello! Its me...

Hello! A big welcome to my blog and my first ever blog post! Have a good read, I hope you enjoy your time here and get to know a little bit more about me. I'm Laura, a 27 year old stay-at-home mum to my three beautiful children and wife to my wonderful husband Andy. I have recently started a parenting/ mummy YouTube channel, also called Joe And Mummy (click here to take a look) and as I have enjoyed it so much so far, I thought that I would also create a blog to go alongside it. In case you were wondering, my name is Joe and Mummy because my 3 children are called Jack, Oscar and Emilia, so the "Joe" comes from their initials. YouTube for me so far has been such a positive experience, it has mainly given me a much needed focus and a chance to do something for 'me'. I also love the online mummy community that I am slowly becoming a part of, being a stay-at-home mum is of course a huge privilege but it can also be really isolating, overwhelming and quite lonely at times. So, having the interaction with other Mums through YouTube has been brilliant. I intend to do a video and blog post solely about why I started a YouTube channel in much more detail so do look out for that!
Me (Mummy, aka Laura), Jack (5), Emilia (8 Months) and Oscar (3)
Over on my YouTube channel you will find videos covering various parenting topics and experiences, developmental, postpartum and breastfeeding updates, grocery hauls and meal plans, general hauls and also daily and weekly vlogs. Here on my blog I intend to do much of the same, creating posts that tie in with my videos and go into more detail if needed. 

As well as my blog and my YouTube channel you can also find me here:
Instagram: @joeandmummy
Twitter: @joeandmummy

Please get in touch and leave me a comment on any of my pages - i'd love to hear from you!

Laura xxx


  1. Hi I've just watched your video on you tube. I as a parent am outraged by your lack of knowledge when putting your children in their car seats. It's highly dangerous to put children in their car seats incorrectly with a coat on. By doing so you are not able to tighten the seat belt properly, therefore the car seat is not doing the job it's designed for.

    1. Hello, I am actually in the process of remaking this video for this reason and I am actually fully aware of the dangers of wearing coats whilst in car seats. The photographs which you are talking about were actually taken while the car in question was stationary on my parents drive, as I do not drive myself so the children were placed in the car seat at this time with their coats on only to show the 3 different modes the car seat can be set to for different ages. The car can be seen as stationary as the photo of my daughter in the car was taken with the door open and at no point in the video was the car moving while they were wearing their coats. The majority of the video was unboxing the seat itself. The pram suit and coats my sons and my daughter were wearing are not actually that padded, and I was still able to tighten the straps really tightly with them on, and they still remained tight enough on the same tightness without their coats on as I could not pinch the any of the webbing on the strap between my thumb and finger. However this being said, I ALWAYS still ensure that my children travel WITHOUT coats if we are going in my parents car or any car and the car is going to be moving, not stationary as it was in the photos. And I can assure you I would NEVER compromise on safety and I am quite upset that you have made this assumption about me from THREE photographs you have seen of my children which were simply showing the modes a car seat can be set to in the car. I find your comments towards me as a parent very judgemental.
      I have already retaken the photos (in a stationary car (again), as I do not drive, we do not have a family car and my children rarely travel in a car. These were taken on Sunday the 10th of April.. (Before you wrote this comment) I have also written a large section for my written toys r us review regarding the safety of car seats in colder weather. This was last week again, before you even wrote this comment.
      So, I thank you for your concern and for pointing this out and I can see how it is misleading and I apologise for that, this is why the video is being remade and the photos have been retaken. However there was absolutely no need for the aggressive tone to your comment. You should maybe ask a few more questions before you make very harsh assumptions about people, you know nothing about me or my family or what we have been through in the past, you also will NEVER understand how much my children mean to me and how I do absolutely everything to keep them safe. I actually suffer extreme anxiety about something happening to them and this is something that I have to live with every single day, so you assuming that I am comprising their safety in any way at all is actually laughable and anyone that knows me or my children would say the same. So I guess the moral here would be, never judge a person, especially a mother, from THREE photographs you have seen, maybe go about getting your point across with some more tact next time? What if I hadn't actually known about car seat safety (as many don't, many on YouTube actually who actually film their children in MOVING cars with their coats on) and did actually let my children travel with their coats on? Imagine how bad and how guilty the way you have written your comment on this post would have made me feel? You could have simply asked if I had heard about it in a much more polite and informative manner. The video has been made private to prevent any more confusion.

  2. This video shows you just how dangerous it is to put your children in their car seats with their coat on.

  3. Yet another example of car seats and coats don't mix. So please before you post videos please think of the dangers you are causing.

  4. Yet another example of car seats and coats don't mix. So please before you post videos please think of the dangers you are causing.

    1. 4 comments within a half hour is a bit much.calm down she is a mother of three children not a idiot.
